Page 30 - voices-2022-12
P. 30


                                                        The Gift of Toastmasters

                                                         Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

                                    As I reflect on this  fabulous to demonstrate that if any word was
                                    year, I realize that  used too much (such as a curse word), it would be
                                    beyond all the ups  repetitive and boring. What was funny was how
                                    and downs of life,  fabulous became its own swear word by default.

                                   Toastmasters has  While it was risky to bring up a controversial topic
                                     provided many gifts  that isn’t often talked about, it was fun to discuss
                                     throughout 2022.  it without swearing and seeing the response of
      Especially during those times when I got really  the club members.

      stuck, those speaking and leadership gifts would           Impromptu Q & A – I gave a speech at a
      magically appear and give me the chance to shine  PR Masters meeting about content writing and
      even when I didn’t believe it was possible. Some  thought when I was finished, my part would
      of these experiences included:                         be done. Then I was asked several impromptu

          Surprises of Competition – Earlier in the  questions, which surprised me since a Q & A
      year I gave a speech that needed more animation  portion wasn’t part of the program. Participating
      and volume that was way out of my comfort  in Table Topics over the years helped me go into
      zone, requiring that I stretch my vocal variety  answer mode as the expert. The fact that my

      and physical presence. Sometimes just having  expertise was sought out was a compliment, and
      the ability to try different gestures, tone, volume,  great practice for other life situations when people
      helped to discover what was the most effective  ask for your opinion.
      technique to use. Yelling out a gleeful “Yippee,”          In addition to stretching my comfort zone,

      was fun and not something I thought I would  trying new topics, and answering questions,
      ever try, but experimenting is what competitions  other gifts of boosting confidence, practicing
      are for, to expand your skills and enjoy those  on a regular basis, and receiving support are all
      moments.                                               gifts that I experience throughout the year as

          Interesting Topics – One speech I gave  well. As we all go into 2023, each gift we receive
      during a New Horizons meeting was about the  from Toastmasters will help us become better
      topic of swearing (which is something I don’t do)  communicators, leaders, and people who help
      and the reasons why. At one point I used the word  each other as we grow.

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