Page 6 - October 2022
P. 6
Elizabeth Spitzer, EC2
My Toastmasters Journey
Phyllis Harmon, DTM
This month meet Division D Director Elizabeth Spitzer, EC2.
She shares her humor, wit, and lessons learned in the following
Q & A.
Why did you join Toastmasters?
One of my sisters joined Babble-on Toastmasters Club in
about 2015. She somehow cajoled me to attend one day. I was
impressed with the format, the structure, the practice, and most
significantly the humor! Oh, how people laughed and smiled
and then warmly talked with each other after the meeting!
Though, to be honest, perhaps the most influential thing
that drew me to join Toastmasters, in other words, Babble-on,
was the food spread. There were cookies and Red Vines and
coffee and tea and. . .
What has been your greatest Aha! Moment in your
Toastmasters journey so far? Why?
At this time, I reflect on the experience I had as an Area
Director who was in charge of helping the clubs in my Area
conduct contests and my lack of proper response to preparing
and then seeking help when needed. I felt shy, embarrassed,
and ashamed. Of course, many came onboard to help once I
shared my dilemma with someone who is well-connected in
Toastmasters and their rally cry was heard. Then the following
year I vowed to do better, and I did, but what I saw in a way I
had not seen before was how many hands it takes to support one
voice. One voice. It is not necessarily done because one favors
aperson or because a person is seeking ribbons and confetti in
the air to say to the world “look at me,” it is done because people
believe in the mission of Toastmasters and the power of one
voice. That is inspiring, and aspiring.