Page 32 - October 2022
P. 32
into one of the other offices, and that child my secretary if she had ever heard anything
was running around. I ignored the sound and at night in the building. She looked at me in
went back to the tedious reports. All was well horror at first, then lowered her head and said
for a moment until I heard what sounded like “quizas, maybe.” I related my evening’s activities
the tinkling of a cow bell. That caused me to to her, and she finally said, “Oh. You have had a
put aside my work and go into the hallway visit from the Evil-Lo. He obviously liked you
to investigate whose child it was and locate or else he would have messed with more than
the parent. I looked around, and neither saw your papers. I entered my office and began to
nor heard anything. I gave up my quest and sit down but I was not able to. You see, there
returned to my office. Upon entering the office was a tiny pair of
proper, I noticed at once that someone had been cow-hide shoes on
messing with my papers. Not a happy camper the seat, meant for
at this time, I called out asking if anyone was a small child, but
there in the building. No response. But I thought they had been worn
I heard a slight quiet giggle or two, a laugh that as the soles were
was being suppressed in the outer reception scarred. I called out
area. I quickly ran to the door, and out of the to the secretary and
corner of my eye I had the impression that I saw asked her if she left
someone wearing a black and white cowhide anything for me.
patterned shirt and pants. I looked again, but She replied, “no.” I
nothing was there. I must have been dreaming picked up these tiny
or wanting to visualize someone or something shoes and took them
to verify my hearing the feet and bell. I was to her desk. Her face
gob struck. Were my eyes deceiving me, or took on a strange
was I so tired that I was making things up in look, she crossed
my head? After all, it was Halloween, and the herself and then told
Day of the Dead was now upon us. Yet I never me that I was indeed
once got the sense of an evil presence, just the blessed, not cursed.
evidence of someone messing up the papers on The “trickster” had
my desk. I finished my task and headed home. left me a gift of
When I came into work the next day, I asked his shoes, tangible