Page 24 - October 2022
P. 24
Peabody Mansion Mysteries
Episode 2
Was It Murder?
Leanna Lindquist, DTM
In Episode 1, we met Laura and Penny as they entered Peabody Mansion to set up for their
Toastmasters meeting. William, the owner's son, died at a Halloween costume party thirty years ago.
Locals believe he haunts the mansion—and that it wasn’t an accident.
“Laura!” screamed Penny as the light on cobwebs.”
her phone darted back and forth while “It’s magnificent,” gushed Laura.
she hurried down the hallway. “I’m “The ceilings must be twelve feet tall!
coming!” Penny neared the open door to But first things first. Let’s get the covers
the basement and saw a dim light in the off the table and chairs and prep for the
stairwell. meeting.” Laura started at one end of the
“I found it!” shouted Laura from below. massive dining table and rolled the dusty
Penny leaned against the door to catch cover towards the other end while Penny
her breath, gasping “I thought you fell removed the ghost-like chair covers. The
down the stairs and broke your neck.” room came to life like a movie set. When
“Oh. Sorry. I bumped into an old metal they were nearly finished setting up for
mop bucket, and it crashed down the stairs the meeting the front door opened and
and into a stack of boxes.” Laura climbed Rich, Carl, and Terry bustled in.
up the stairs, took Penny by the arm, and “What are we doing at Peabody
steered her back to the front door. She Mansion?” quizzed Carl.
flipped the switch again and this time a “It’s our new meeting space. There’s
massive crystal chandelier in the center of no heat, tons of dust and cobwebs, and it’s
the room blazed like a hundred candles. haunted. A perfect place for a Toastmasters
Wow,” blurted Penny. “Look at all those meeting,” complained Penny as she rubbed