Page 23 - 2022-09
P. 23
Trombone Lessons and Toastmasters Mentorship
Eldred Brown, DTM, IPDD
you need to practice most in your preparation. mentor. I did this with Leanna through all three
Your mentor’s feedback after your speech, even of my years in the Trio by appointing her to a
if she isn’t your evaluator, can offer you even key position on each of my teams (Club Mentor
more insight on what you did well and what Coordinator, Education & Training Chair,
you could do to improve. Area 96 Director). Having her as a member
In choosing my personal trombone of my team allowed us to work together and
instructor, I chose someone I already play gave me opportunities to see how she handled
regularly with in my orchestra. Though I could challenges so I could learn from her example.
have chosen anyone, I chose the instructor I Our collaboration even gave me more time
chose because we’re already familiar with each to pick her brain on more general District
other and because working with him could leadership topics.
have the additional benefit of tightening up the Earlier this month, I started taking
sound of our trombone section. If your mentor trombone lessons so I can be mentored again by
is also a member of your Club, maybe you can a more accomplished trombonist and teacher.
work together on projects that encourage you What are you doing to pursue the mentorship
to develop a stronger relationship with your of a more experienced Toastmaster?