Page 25 - july 2022
P. 25


 Before It's Too Late

 Leanna Lindquist, DTM

 “Do you know your family’s stories?” I’m sure   The ones I didn’t ask about and   walked in the   pages long. Not an epic tale, but enough to
 many of you do. If you’re like me, you wish   write down. My grandparents   front door of   understand the essence of my grandma. I’m
 you knew more.  were married for 71 years. I   my parent’s home   happy to have it.

 During the height of the pandemic, our   was close to them; I don’t   after my dad was   Several years ago, I gifted my mother the
 family wasn’t together for Thanksgiving or   know how they met. How   gone. My parents   book Mom Tell Me Your Story. It was one of
 Christmas. We all missed out on valuable   could I not know that? It   were married for 70   those fill-in-the-blank books. Who were your
 family time, family legend and lore. Before the   really bothers me that   years and now it was up   childhood friends? What was your favorite

 vile year known as 2020 ended, so did the life of   I don’t have it written   to me to bring home, sell,   book?
 my mother. It was an unexpected loss. I drove   down somewhere.   give away, or throw away the   In my mind she would pull out the book
 to Idaho and helped my dad navigate through   The phone call came just   physical evidence of that long   in the evenings and answer a few questions
 the mandatory notifications and fill out the   after 8:30 Friday morning on June   life together.   at a time. It would be a keepsake for me and

 endless forms. We went through my mother’s   3rd. It was from my dad’s best friend.   You’ve probably heard, “it’s   my children. Answers to questions we didn’t
 clothes, jewelry, and desk and dispersed items   “Leanna, your dad died this morning.” At the   just material things.” That’s all well   know to ask. When she died and I was tasked
 as appropriate. My mother was gone, but the   age of 93 he was active. He rode his recumbent   and good until you are faced with the   to write her obituary, I searched for the book
 evidence of her long life was still there with my   bicycle for miles. He had plans. I had talked to   sorting and dispersing of your loved ones   as a source of inspiration. In three years, she

 dad. Family pictures, her collection of antique   him on the phone the day before. He was going   prized possessions. I picked up a little porcelain   had answered three questions, just three about
 cracker jars lovingly collected over the years,   to the Senior Center for lunch and to play poker   pitcher. I saw it full of piping hot chocolate   a life that was almost nine decades long.
 and her personal touch in their home.   at the Community Center in the evening. And   sauce lovingly homemade by my grandma.   And so, I ask you again, do you know your
 My daughter and I had planned to visit my   then he was gone. It was unexpected and it hit   To be poured over a bowl of vanilla ice cream   family stories? Have you or a family member

 folks the spring of 2021 to help my mother with   our family hard.  for dessert. It’s much more than a material   taken the time to ask the questions and capture
 spring cleaning and record stories. Why had   He was born in Wisconsin in 1928 and   thing. It’s memories. It’s stories of a time and   the lives of your loved ones? Since my parents
 she kept the gold satin comforter in pristine   worked a lot of jobs to help his family   of people long gone.   are gone, it is up to me to keep the stories of
 condition in her cedar chest for 70 years?   make ends meet. I know he worked in a   I picked up various keepsakes and   my ancestors alive.

 Which great grandma did the depression glass   factory. Which one? I don’t remember. I   wondered why they were special to my mother.   The way I look at it, as long as we are around
 belong to? Tell me again about your first job.   should have written it down. His maternal   Did I owe it to her to pack them up and bring   to tell their stories they are still with us.
 When she died so did her stories of growing   grandfather fought in the Civil War. That is   them back to Portland? Which ones were
 up in the forest ranger’s house in western   well documented in our family. I don’t know   attached to meaningful stories and which ones   Leanna joined Toastmasters in 2009. She is a past

 Montana. I knew some of those stories, but not   anything about his paternal grandparents. I   could be discarded without a second thought.     District 7 Director, current club officer in three
 the rich detail one can capture when questions   do know lots of details about how he and my   When my grandma was 97, she wrote the   clubs, budding writer, and a friend, coach and
 are asked, and the answers are written down.   mother met. That is something.  story of her life in longhand on a legal pad.   mentor to many.
 My grandparents’ stories died that day too.   It’s hard to describe what I felt when I   I typed it up and made copies. It was four

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