Page 24 - voices-2022-06
P. 24
turned sideways on the conveyor belt, and it damaged when it finally arrived the next day.
was now jammed in the doorway to the cargo It worked well enough that I got through my
compartment. After much pounding and week of seminars in Israel, and then I went
prying, they got it loose, properly stowed and for a much-needed week of vacation in Italy.
we were on our way. It was very foggy the day I was supposed
Are you thinking that it has to get better to fly out of Milan, so the plane couldn’t land
now? Guess again. As I realized no more at the international airport. The weather was
bags were coming off the luggage carousel in better across town, so the plane was diverted
Johannesburg, and mine were nowhere to be to the smaller domestic airport. They put all
seen, I started walking toward the customer of us, and our luggage, on a convoy of buses,
service counter. A man with a clipboard which actually got lost on the way to the other
met me about halfway there and said, “Mr. airport. We finally departed many hours later,
Kleffner?” Instinctively I knew it can’t be good meaning that I missed my connection in
if he already knows my name. Actually, there London. More vouchers, missed connection
was some good news. They already knew that in Chicago, and home at last. As expected by
my bags were in Paris, where I obviously failed this point, my bags were missing and didn’t
to claim them hours ago. My bags arrived the arrive for several more days.
next day, and things looked up as I began a If you are waiting for the happy ending,
grueling schedule of delivering eight, full-day there wasn’t one. My very expensive camera
seminars in ten days. decided to malfunction so most of the pictures
However, this ill-fated trip continued in the I took in the beautiful Lake Como region of
same manner as it had begun. British Airways Italy didn’t turn out. In case you are wondering,
lost my bags again between Cape Town and Tel I haven’t been on a British Airways plane since.
Aviv, and one piece of equipment was badly
When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and
willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending
that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The
challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.
– Paulo Coelho