Page 39 - Voices-2022.05
P. 39

Where Do You

                                Get Your Ideas?

                                      David Freedman, PM2

         For example, if you’re doing an exercise on  on something knowing that it needs to sell to be
         vocal variety, what examples from your own  successful when you’re over-examining every

          life can you use that utilize your experience  idea before the piece is even halfway finished.
          in such a way that you can relate those details  In such cases, it’s not the ideas that are at fault.
           to your audience? There are two things to  You may have created something that appeals
           remember here. First, the idea for the project,  to a wider group, but the appeal for you is lost

            at least in Toastmasters, is outlined in the  in the shuffle as you struggle with how to create
            exercises themselves. If your exercise is on  the perfect project. Here’s the thing: There is no
           vocal variety, more than likely you won’t  such thing as a perfect project, and thankfully,
      have to worry as much about body language until  you don’t have to please everyone.

      another project. Therefore you can narrow down            My own solution to analysis paralysis is to
      your subject matter automatically. Secondly, from  remember that the ideas don’t matter unless
      that point on, making a list of those experiences  you have the proper context in which to place
      that best fit your project works extremely well. For  them. As I’ve mentioned in a previous article, I

      those of you who believe that a list can also cause  actually find it easier to create speeches than write
      analysis paralysis, yes, indeed it can. Narrowing  short stories or novels because the expectations
      down that list, however, can help you sort out  are slightly different. When you create a project
      what works best for you as the storyteller.            for a visible audience where the reaction will be

          I want to emphasize one thing about analysis  more tangible, you reciprocate with that group.
      paralysis in particular: It’s insidious. It can start  Writing for yourself, including and especially for
      small when you’re just working on your project  publications, can be harder because that feedback
      and then gradually grow bigger to become intense  isn’t immediate. In both cases, remember that

      insecurities. Finding ideas might not always be the  finding the ideas is only the first step in the process
      problem as much as whether or not we believe the  of creating a larger project. Try not to get too hung
      ideas will be relevant. Will the audience laugh at  up on just one idea, and remember that different
      me rather than at the material being presented? Is  perspectives can help build a better project by

      this proposal at work salient enough that the boss  asking for feedback and finding inspiration even
      will be pleased, not to mention potential clients?  in the most unlikely of places. Good luck finding
      Analysis paralysis has worked against me many  your ideas and shaping them into successful
      times when writing a piece. It’s never fun to work  stories!

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