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                                                                                  Run at Your Own Pace

                                                                                  David Freedman, IP3

                                                                         learned as an actor. The main reason
                                                                          I joined Toastmasters was to further
                                                                          hone those skills that would aid me

                                                                           in my craft. I jumped right into the
                                                                           Club culture and rapidly started
                                                                             working on all of those lessons
                                                                                related to preparing your

                                                                                 speech: getting to the point,
                                                                                  vocal variety, improving
                                                                                  body language, and more. I
                                                                                  also took part in learning the

                                                                                 various meeting roles—Timer,
                                                                                Evaluator, Grammarian, and
                                                                              so on. I was fearless about being
                                                                            on stage, particularly when giving

                                                                          speeches—always wanting to do
                                 I joined Toastmasters                   Then I got to the eighth project, “Get
                             after two friends suggested     Comfortable with Visual Aids.” Suddenly, my

                       I might gain a lot of worthwhile      confidence took a nosedive. Although I’d taken
                 experiences by checking out the             a PowerPoint class in college, I hadn’t used the
           organization. After briefly hesitating,           software since then. I certainly hadn’t utilized
      I wound up attending several meetings at               a computer or projector for a presentation. I

      Babble-On Toastmasters before joining the Club         don’t recall panicking outright but I certainly
      in November 2013.                                      was nervous about moving forward and giving
          Then things really picked up. Although             the presentation. Long story short, I asked for
      I’d been given a mentor, I rarely relied on            help and received it from my mentor and several

      him at first. Reading through the Competent            other people. I gave the presentation. To the best
      Communicator manual, I noted that many of              of my knowledge, it went just fine. But in order
      the first exercises came easily to me. In fact,        to give the presentation properly, I had to learn
      quite a few of the lessons mimicked those I’d          to slow down and ask questions in the first place.

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