Page 21 - voices-09-2021
P. 21

to immediately stop talking and
      take our seats. No one ever dared

      to test her authority on this matter.
         I developed an interest in
      electronics and all things technical
      at a very young age. By 8th grade,

      I kept a stash of small tools and                                   so I’m afraid there’s no more room.”
      a roll of black electrical tape in                                    He also liked to play pranks and
      my desk. One day, I decided to play a practical  practical jokes. The meat market was one of
      joke on Sister Gerard. I slipped back into the  those old-fashioned, open front places on SW

      classroom early, and taped the bell clapper to one  Yamhill Street before all the urban renewal. The
      side of the bell. Many of us were already seated  street was lined with meat, fish and fresh produce
      when she came in, picked up the bell and gave it  shops all the way from the Willamette River up
      a shake – silence. She looked angrily around the  to SW 4th Avenue. There was a tavern right next

      room to find the guilty party who had tampered  door to us, and we could see and hear people
      with her bell. She turned the bell over, and when  going in and out because of the open nature of
      she saw the electrical tape, she immediately  our shop. One day, we were amused to hear the
      locked eyes with me. I could no longer maintain a  gasps, followed by laughter, as people opened the

      poker face and broke into a faint smile. I thought  tavern door and were confronted by a very large
      I was going to be in big trouble, but she realized  pig head sitting on the end of the bar. It had big,
      that it was a pretty good, harmless prank, and  gnarly teeth and was decked out with a pair of
      burst out laughing. Unfortunately, this moment  sun glasses and a glass of beer sitting in front of

      of levity passed, and she returned to her usual  its snout. I’m sure the health department would
      draconian personality.                                 frown on that sort of thing these days.
         I think I can blame at least part of my sense           There you have just a few examples of
      of humor on my father. As a teenager, I worked  what shaped my sense of humor. These rich

      with him in the retail meat market that he  experiences from my childhood provide many
      managed. It’s an understatement to say that he  speech topics for my Toastmasters meetings.
      didn’t subscribe to “The customer is always right”  However, I try to remember my audience, and
      philosophy. One day he got into an argument  sometimes have to tone it down, or leave out a

      with a customer, and the customer told him to  few details, to avoid offending or grossing people
      shove something “where the sun doesn’t shine.”  out. Some stories are best left for close friends
      My father calmly replied, “Earlier today, a  over a beer in the pub.
      woman told me to shove a pot roast up there,

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2021         21
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