Page 11 - voices-09-2021
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handle emotions? like anger? or fear? How about It’s the feedback, which for the most part,
just understanding emotions in general? How is positive. The job is more of a mentor than a
about learning active listening? Affirmations?” coach. Sometimes I’m working with people for
In the first year, I increased the workshops to 25. a whole year. I get to know them and their kids,
We’re now over 108. Last week alone, I completed their parents, and their pets. It’s rewarding.
three more. I’m working on one right now called
Opinions. I’m really pleased with the way it’s Why Toastmasters?
shaping up. I realized we give so much of our I worked at Kindercare seven years as a
power away. The opinions of others matter so receptionist. One day in the lobby. Two people
much. And they matter on ething, you know? Is started talking about Toastmasters. Apparently,
your dog a pedigree? What kind of house do you a group met down in the basement at noon on
have? What kind of car do you have? What kind Tuesdays. I asked, “can I come too?” “Sure.”
of TV do you have? Is your furniture labelled? I went down, checked it out, and joined that
What’s your wardrobe? What’s your weight? day. I think one of the first things that drew me
What’s your hairstyle? If you don’t have a solid when I went down just to see what it was all about,
sense of self, they can just steal your joy? was the camaraderie. And I loved Table Topics.
I absolutely love my current job. It fulfills I immediately saw opportunities for growth.
that creative need. I have people corresponding And here was a way of creative expression.
daily who tell me “this helped; that helped; this There was no other venue I had which offered
was brilliant; I got a job.” so much opportunity for creative expression.
And I absolutely loved that. I loved that you
could read stories, you could do interpretive
stuff, poetry readings, there was more. Some
ways there were more artistic opportunities
than in Pathways. I did one of my favorite, which
was story interpretation. I was their secretary.
I worked on their newsletter. Later, I was their
president. And then one day, the owners of
the building changed and they said, “We don’t
really want to have classes here anymore.” That
was the end of that. I currently am a member
of Portland Progressives and Tell Me A Story
Toastmasters. I am also part of the new debate
club that is forming.
You’re a veteran District 7 International Speech
champion and Speech Evaluation champion.
What motivates you to compete?