Page 43 - March 2021 Voices
P. 43

maintaining a compassionate quality of care  a typical day, our functional-reserve becomes
      for those in need. Whereas, in general, the rest  lowered and then replenished through the

      of us are expected to always be compassionate  activities mentioned above.
      towards others, particularly family, community             In an average work environment, performance
      members, and public servants.                          wanes after several hours. Who has not felt their
          While many people may never experience the  concentration, accuracy, speed, and quality

      extreme nature of the stressful circumstances  diminish after hours of working? Additionally,
      such as Glenn’s, it is not uncommon for reactions  people are more prone to accidents after working
      to repeated stressful events to possibly lead to  several hours.
      compassion-fatigue or its close relative burnout.          Here is a helpful tip: taking a break from

      Professional and volunteer caregivers that serve  tasks for 10-15 minutes will lead to restoration
      distressed people are particularly vulnerable to  of your efficiency. If you were needing more
      these conditions.                                      proof, human performance studies reveal that
          Let’s consider the term ‘functional-reserve.’   after a break, efficiency can peak higher than

      This refers to the reservoir                                                   the top performance
      of energy your mind and                                                        levels for that individual
      body draw from during                                                          before the break! There is
      the hours you are awake.                                                       more, without proper self-

      This reserve is replenished                                                    care, stress can also affect
      through sleep, nutrition,                                                      interpersonal behavior.
      and general body care. It                                                      Accordingly, negative
      becomes depleted through                                                       attitudes, intolerance,

      normal activities as work,                                                     impatience, irritability,
      body activity, and mental                                                      lack of cooperation, etc.
      tasks. Regular nutrition                                                       can result. By practicing
      and rest usually keep up                                                       self-observation and

      with the daily demands                                                         awareness, one can
      on this reserve. Stress,                                                       determine when it is time
      defined as the rate of wear                                                    for self-adjustment.
      and tear on a living system,                                                      In life, in environments

      can rapidly deplete our                                                        that are commonly
      functional-reserve. Stress agents are varied,  associated with extreme stress, your self-
      including hard work, multiple responsibilities,  care support needs to be a priority. There are
      time pressures, concern for loved ones, etc. In  many high stress work environments. For

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