Page 19 - November 2020 Voices
P. 19
DCP numbers, it is truly the atmosphere of being Bowl Theme every January for the Clackamas
exciting, anticipating and working toward their Stepping Stones? Pre-Covid, this was the ‘must
goal, A Club where members practice ideas such attend’ party. Lots of fun and food galore.
as enthusiasm, excitement, and (most of all) fun The first Club I joined was Milwaukie Talkies
makes a big difference. The goal brings out the Toastmasters Club. This Club has a culture of
best in everyone! recognition. They award someone, regardless
The Buckaroo Toastmasters Club has a culture of whether they are a millennial, retiree or a
of positivity, exuding warmth and support. This CEO of a company, who has gone beyond the
Club is like a close family in many respects. expected that week with a Rockstar Award. A
Visitors always say it feels like a family where love glittering plaque that the recipient kept for a week
and kindness prevail. Is that because this Club and displayed on their desk at work. I remember
is in Molalla, a small town? Or is it because over how this truly brought happiness to those who
the years, the core group of members decided received it. Do you have something similar that
that this is the culture they like to have? Visit you do in your Club?
the Club on a Tuesday evening and experience Does your Club have a culture that draws
for yourself. people in? If the answer is yes, great! If the answer
New Horizons Toastmasters Club has a club is no, then why not? Perhaps it’s time to set the
culture of fun. It regularly has fun themes. sails in the right direction and bring out fun,
Check out their website. There was a Pajama excitement, play!
Party theme . . .Woot! “Visit for the fun, stay for Why is Club culture so important? It is what
the learning.” defines your unique niche in the Toastmaster
We do our best learning when we play, That family.
is what we did as kids, Bringing out the kid, the Back to you fellow Toastmasters!
fun and the play, lifts us out of the muck and
mire of “seriousness”, an affliction that many
of us “adults” seem to think of as normality.
What about the Super