Page 12 - November 2020 Voices
P. 12


      Who Am I?

      PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director

      Do you ever ask yourself that? Sometimes I  and kept walking, then heard it again – a little

      forget, and not because I turned 70 this year. We  more insistent this time – “Sir!” I ignored it
      just celebrated the 80th Anniversary of District 7,  again, until the third time, when the voice was
      thanks to a fun Zoom event organized by Past  pleading – “Sirrr?” I finally stopped, looked
      District Director, Leanna Lindquist. This event  around, and seeing a small child, said, “Are you

      was supposed to be a nice, sit-down dinner back  talking to me?” Yes, he was. I have no recollection
      in the Spring, but we all know what happened  of what he wanted – whether he was lost, hurt,
      to most of our plans for 2020. Leanna was  selling lemonade, or whatever. All I remember
      determined that we would not let this occasion go  is a strange feeling and thinking, “Wow, am I

      uncelebrated, so we had a multi-media party on  really an adult now?” Because that is the first
      Zoom, complete with a historic slide show, swing  time anyone had called me “Sir.”
      band music from the era, and testimonials from             Apparently, I’m not the only person to have
      the many Past District Governors and Directors  an experience like that. I recently found a

      in the audience.                                       birthday card for my nephew that said, “Happy
          Getting back to my question (Who Am I?). A  Birthday. Now that you are 21, you’ll be thought
      few days before the event, Leanna mentioned that  of as an adult…” Inside, it said, “By 6-year-olds
      she would like me to say a few opening remarks  everywhere.” It’s all a matter of perspective.

      and introduce the Toastmaster, Past District               That still doesn’t answer my question – “Who
      Director and Past International President, Gary  am I?” I read something many years ago that
      Schmidt. My first thought was “Why me?”, then I  each of us is three people – who we think we
      remembered, “Oh, right. I’m the current District  are, the person we pretend to be for others, and

      Director, and we’re celebrating our District’s  who others actually think we are. Unfortunately,
      anniversary.”                                          I don’t remember the source, and Google wasn’t
          After this brief identity crisis, I had a flashback  helpful. The main point was that the more
      to something that happened when I was about 21.  closely these three versions of ourself overlap,

      I was visiting my parents in Southeast Portland,  the better our mental health. For example, I
      and walking back to my car when I heard this  worked with someone for a while who was widely
      small voice behind me say, “Sir”. I ignored it  perceived as quite incompetent. However, he

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