Page 52 - October 2020 Voices
P. 52


       up with a completely unexpected root cause, Benefits of improved Problem Solving
       which is that the bedroom is not dark enough  skills

       and there are all kinds of electronic devices            Here are a few possible benefits of improved
       negatively impacting the quality of sleep, leading  problem solving skills:
       to tiredness during the day.                             •  Improved surroundings/environment

                                                                •  Better resource utilization
       Step 3—Develop an effective plan                         •  Enhanced overall well-being

          An effective plan would be one that would             •  Better career advancement
       maximize the chances of eliminating the                  •  Better art

       problem, given the circumstances and resources           •  Increased confidence
       available. Targeting the root cause(s) and leaving       •  More time available for other things
       everything else alone is important. In other             •  Less chance of creating new problems
       words – don’t fix what ain’t broke. In our example,          from old ones.

       an effective plan might be to get blackout curtains      •  Better prospects for the future of
       and throw your devices with green blinking lights            humanity
       out of your bedroom.                                     If you have a problem you would like
          Also, don’t take sleeping pills or two-hour- to crack, especially related to joining a

       long baths because they have nothing to do with  Toastmaster club, contact us via jeffersonstate.
       the problem root cause(s).                   We have a customized
                                                             solution for you.
       Step 4—Execute plan                                      Sudhir Gautam is a technologist, TEDxSpeaker,

          Now that you understand the problem                Moth Storyteller, Standup Comedian and a Hospice
       clearly, know the root cause and have an              Volunteer. He joined Jefferson State Toastmasters
       effective plan, it’s time to start executing it       in 2018 and is currently serving as club President.
       like a soldier. Implement it, see if it fixes the     You can reach him at yawsudgautgc@gmail.

       problem, close the loop and adjust the plan if        com or through the club website jeffersonstate.
       necessary, lather, rinse, repeat.           

         The greatest problem solvers are not necessarily the

         smartest people but the ones who are willing to stick to

         the problems until they find a breakthrough. Grit and

         persistence can make all the difference! —Simerjeet Singh

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