Page 27 - October 2020 Voices
P. 27



     Lee Coyne, ATMS

      Each element of Halloween season conjures up               GHOST—Here we find our ethereal spirit
      a fear component.  How they interact with our              geared to haunt our survivors.  Who we were

      emotions is really at its epicenter.                       before suddenly reappears.  Life and death
          Let’s explore further. Halloween brings us to          have come full circle. Is this not a form of
      the forbidden netherworld. Death lurks down                recycling people?
      below.                                                     DEVIL—The very opposite of an angel.

              Who are these icons of evil?                       Perhaps a foreboding of punishment for
                               SKELETON—These are the            multiple misdeeds committed on Earth. That
                                remains of us after we’ve        red complexion isn’t sunburn. Will Satan
                                  passed on.  Nothing            horn in on this new chapter?

                                    but sheer bones.             WITCH—Another incantation of ultra bad
                                Relics of who we once            tidings gone into flight. Stir the pot again
                               were. Shall we bone up            and drink down that toxic brew. Will that
                                on our past?                     broomer become your roomer? Takes sway

                                                                 all the humor.
                                                                 BLACK CAt—Feline frenzy is literally at our
                                                                 doostep, scrounging for scraps of our hearts
                                                                 and souls. Ms Misfortune has arrived. Will

                                                                 those paws pause before devouring? All five
                                                                 of those cunning creatures can be mobilized
                                                                 for Pumpkin Day mayhem. All can be then
                                                                 transformed into a scary talk at Toastmasters

                                                                 meetings. Is this not our sequel to Fatal
                                                                     You don’t give a hoot?  The Wise Old Owl
                                                                 declares otherwise!

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         27
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