Page 10 - September 2020 Voices
P. 10


      Thoughts on Leadership

      PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director

       After spending the last couple of months working  and plan for the future. However, if the same
       on our District Success Plan and Budget, I got  small group of members fill the officer roles

       to do something fun on September 16th—help  year after year, eventually, they will burnout
       the Civil Tongues Club celebrate their 20th  and the club will likely die. That is why it is so
       Anniversary. This is noteworthy, because less  incredibly important to have a steady flow of
       than half of the clubs in District 7 have reached  new members joining our clubs. New members

       this milestone.                                       bring fresh ideas and energy to a club. They are
          You should know by now that I’m a numbers  also an important pool of potential club officers.
       guy, so I have to go there. The median age of D7  I think I can safely say that none of the original
       clubs is 18 years, meaning that half are younger  officers are still leading the clubs mentioned in

       and half are older than that. The average  the previous paragraph.
       age is 25.6 years, which is skewed higher by              Leadership succession is always on my mind.
       Portland Club and Salem Toastmasters at 85  It should be on your mind, too, especially if you
       and 81, respectively. Of course, there are many  belong to a “semi-annual” club that elects officers

       septuagenarian “honorable mentions,” including  for six-month terms. You will be electing new
       Vancouver, Oregon City, Corvallis Evening  officers in November, so they can be trained
       Group, Roseburg, Evergreen, Hood River and  at TLI in December to take over the reins on
       Astoria.                                              January 1st. Even if you belong to an “annual”

          I won’t list all the rest, but there are many clubs  club, your first meeting in May is when you elect
       that have been around longer than my nineteen  officers for the new term beginning July 1st. It
       years as a Toastmaster. They have seen multiple  will be here before you know it. You can do
       wars, economic boom and bust cycles, epidemics,  these new officers a huge favor by getting them

       and wild fires. (How many of you remember the  involved now, so they can “shadow” the current
       Tillamook Burn?) I believe the common factor  officers to learn about the job before their term.
       in their survival is strong leadership. Someone           Thinking beyond the club level, what are
       has to look beyond today’s immediate crisis  your long-term goals as a Toastmaster? If you

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