Page 41 - August 2020 Voices
P. 41
shrine, candles and incense burning, thoughts to systematically acquire and develop these
floating around in your brain about the real skills. I’m a technology professional, and have
meaning of “recommended exchange $10” in been studying these skills for quite a while.
the Meetup invite, and how your potluck dish I have given several talks on them as well.
always ends up being the most expensive. I’m looking forward to not only sharing that
Trust me. Over the years I have learned knowledge but also honing these skills further.
quite a bit about Empathy and the tools you This will be a monthly column backed by
can use to build it—without losing my wood some mechanism to share and present ideas
chopping skills. Come November, I will still and report progress. Together, we will try to
wax my handlebar moustache like a real man equip ourselves with some important skills
and raise money for a great cause. Some of of the future and have some fun along the
these stereotypes can be attributed to a lack way. Please feel free to contact me if you’re
of education when it comes to the benefits of interested in upcoming talks or would like
acquiring these skills. If we said that building to collaborate.
Cognitive Flexibility could actually mitigate Sudhir Gautam is a technologist, TEDxSpeaker,
some of the effects of cognitive decline in old Standup Comedian and a Hospice Volunteer. He
age and help you become a better manager at joined Jefferson State Toastmasters in 2018 and is
work, I think we would be doing a much better currently serving as club President. You can reach him
job of evoking interest in learning them. at or through the club
We are lucky to be living in a time in which website
there’s cutting edge research and tools available
VOICES! | AUGUST 2020 41