Page 38 - July 2020
P. 38


       I promise not to charge you $8,500.00 like a           Left nostril twitches when you speak? Control

       certain international speaking guru does. And          it. Conquer it. Practice with all you can give it,
       here they are—the simple three p’s of powerful,        the word—the powerful, all inspiring, emotion
       spoken words.                                          touching and challenging—word.
          Practice—Practice—Practice.                             Our third and final P is for practice. Think

          Oh my, I can hear the groans swelling up in         of this P as being like that of a doctor who has
       District 7. “It is the same three words.” “He is off   a practice, a lawyer or dentist advertises the
       his rocker, slipped a cog or does his elevator not     same. They obviously would not be using the
       go to the top floor?” No, you read it right, but       second P and practicing, trying out, seeking to

       use the spoken word instead.                           hone their skill. No, they deliver, they practice
          The first P is for practice. Speechcraft is an      their art with full confidence and honed skills.
       art. No artist walks up to the empty canvas or         They are masters of their practice. They would
       block of marble and deftly paints or sculpts  not or could not last long in their profession if

       the greatest piece of art in the world—not even        they were not the best of the best. Thus, we as
       Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo. (Although I         Toastmasters, by our very name, declare that
       have heard it said that the stone always told him      we are masters of our practice.
       what was hidden inside of it.) The great artists           Fellow Toastmasters, fellow practitioners

       always practiced before they laid a single stroke      of the spoken word, we who aspire to inspire
       on the canvas. They took hours looking at other        and affect our listeners, I challenge you during
       works, learning the techniques, the nuances  the first month of the new 2020-2021 program
       of color and form before their masterpiece  year to employ the three P’s of practice, practice

       appeared months or years later. Do not ask  and practice. Promise me that you will not be
       me—I belong to the Stick-Figures-R-Us school           satisfied with the ho-hum, the mundane, the
       of artistry. But I observe, absorb, and admire         “almost affected me” mode of speaking. Raise the
       what I see and hear. I practice.                       bar. Up your ante. Move yourself, your audience,

          The second P is for practice. Once you  and the world. Become that speaker that all will
       have learned the art of speechcraft, then you          want to emulate. Choose the words of power to
       must ply your trade. Ever heard of the mirror          proclaim your message of hope not fear. And
       technique of speaking whereby you stand  never falter, never compromise, and never

       before the mirror and deliver your speech? Oh,         use the power of the spoken word for naught
       right, let us take advantage of the 21st Century       but the affirmation of our mission, our legacy,
       technology and use our phone or laptop camera          and our integrity as members of Toastmasters
       to record our speech. Watch your movements,            International. We are a chosen few, and with that

       gestures, facial expression, and other elements        choice comes the privilege and responsibility
       of body language. Hone your skill privately in         to leave our world better than we found it with
       the security and safety of your home. Practice         our words.
       what works for you. Try out different things.

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