Page 11 - July 2020
P. 11

Company and I joined. I began to enjoy the  this by spreading the value of Toastmasters,

       meetings and I alternated attending between  working together as a unified team, and giving
       ours and another club in Division H, Area 94.  our members a high quality service.
       I was impressed that these people were doing
       this seemingly very difficult thing and yet they  What incentives and recognition are you
       were laughing and having fun! I was inspired to  planning for the year?

       learn these new skills from this group of new             We are still in the planning stages of building
       friends and was also equally impressed by the  the incentive program but the main ideas we
       evaluations. They shared with me what I did  want to focus on are building  incentives around

       right and ideas for improvement. I figured if  club retention and club membership, the Club
       they could do this, so could I. In 2001, a  change  Coach program,new club leads that lead to a
       in my job and family’s health caused me to take  demo meeting, and the Area Director work.
       leave from Toastmasters. I re-joined in 2008.

       What has been your greatest Aha! Moment
       in your Toastmasters journey so far? Why?
          Before I rejoined Toastmasters in 2008, I

       had recently started employment at my current               Great leaders don’t set
       Company. I was on an important project and
       I had prepared diligently for a meeting I was
       supposed to lead. As soon as the meeting started,             out to be leaders . . .

       another person ‘stole’ the meeting leader role and
       all the preparation I had done was not even used.            they set out to make a
       My CIO, said I had done a good job at the meeting
       but I knew he was just trying to be nice. It was

       then I knew that if I had been in Toastmasters,               difference. It’s never
       this would not have happened. I couldn’t wait to
                                                                 about the role . . . always
       get back and rejoined soon after.

       What is your vision for the District as the

       Club Growth Director during 2020-2021?                             about the goal.
          The last four months have been equally
       challenging for all of us but we share a unique

       opportunity inside of this challenge. At the
       end of this coming Toastmaster year, in 2021,
       I see us all having stronger clubs and our clubs
       will have increased in membership. We can do

                                                                                      VOICES! | JULY 2020       11
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