Page 26 - June 2020
P. 26


      Goodbye God, I’m Going to Bodie!

      Paul Fanning, DTM

       She sat upon her bed in what would soon                   Bodie was a typical mining town with
       be an empty room. Her trunk was packed  gunfights, murders, and robbery a daily
       carefully by her mother for the long trip.  occurrence. One writer said Bodie was “a sea

       Tears continued to well up, streaking her  of sin, lashed by tempests of lust and passion.”
       face as she whispered a soft farewell to the  By 1890 it became a ghost town—the gold rush
       familiar wallpaper, the window that faced  settled, and today it still sits empty, forlorn, and
       the nearby park where she had happily  inhabited by the ghostly echoes of its former

       played three days ago with her friends.  residents while the Boot Hill cemetery reflects
       More tears splashed down onto the mattress  the pathos and vibrancy of the too few years of
       void of sheets and comforter. Three long,  its existence.
       emotionally filled days since her father                  I have been there, trod the empty streets,

       announced that they, as a family, would be  visited the buildings that are left, and filed it
       moving to that infernal town to take up his  all away like other ghost towns I’ve explored—
       post with the bank. She reached into her  Cripple Creek, Colorado in 1960 and Fort
       small bag by her feet and removed deftly the  Churchill, Nevada in 1971. Fame, glory, and greed

       diary Papa had given her for her birthday  are all but a quiet memory in those historic sites
       and found the pen and ink bottle. Opening  today.
       the journal to the empty page, in her best                Fellow Toastmasters, we are bidding farewell
       handwriting she penned, “March 25, 1881.  to our traditional or legacy education program

       Goodbye God, I’m going to Bodie.”                     that served us well for over 90 years. Unlike the
          The diary of that young girl from San  little girl sitting on her bed, I am not shedding
       Francisco exists today in a historical society  tears over its demise. That may come as a surprise
       collection. The boomtown of Bodie, California,  to many of you who know how well I have loved

       (a brief, shining star in the famous Gold County  the education award system—soon to be four
       where in 1880’s money $90-100 million dollars  Distinguished Toastmaster Awards, hundreds of
       in gold was mined [around $25 billion in 2020  recorded speeches, as well as dozens of individual
       dollars]) became her home.                            certificates for CC, CL advanced leader and

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