Page 11 - June 2020
P. 11
you, you can’t help but be lifted up too. Serving As this is a member-driven organization, the
as District Director made me realize that we emphasis is on the members—positive member
can only do our best today. Tomorrow, we experiences through a FUN educational learning
start again and do our best. And so goes every experience. Life is too short to focus on the
day. One of the core values is Excellence—not unimportant stuff.
Perfection. Always remember that when you
give 150% or more, that is enough. Remember This year has indeed been a life-changing
to celebrate you! experience. I cannot thank you enough for
electing me to lead you this year. It has been my
Life is too short, go with the flow honor and pleasure to be your District Director.
Some people focus on minutiae. As District Together we have dealt with the challenges of
Director, you must look at the bigger picture leadership, discovered some essential truths
and not get caught in the weeds. Learn to let go about ourselves, and created memories that will
of stuff that does not serve the overall purpose. never fade. So, when you look at that picture
Above all else, remember that we all are just taken more than a year ago, I hope you can say,
doing our best regardless of what that best is. “I am so happy I said YES!”
My favorite quote is from Maya Angelou, and I Thank you again for the journey. I would not
will paraphrase it: “it’s not what you say or do, it’s have been able to do it without you.
how you make people feel.” Who will remember
. . . except how we made our members feel?
VOICES! | JUNE 2020 11