Page 47 - May 2020
P. 47

laughs (I was awful). My mentor suggested I try  member after re-chartering the Ashland
      the Competent Leader manual (which I couldn’t  Morning Toastmastes club. I also helped start
      find). Once I tried the Leadership manual it was  the VASORCC (VA Domiciliary) Toastmasters
      hard to go back to speaking. I love both now, but  club in White City. In each case, there are new

      really found my niche in helping others grow.          challenges, new adventures, and new friends. I
                                                             was also a member of Rogue Valley Toastmasters,
      How do you use Toastmasters outside  until it ended.
      your meetings?                                         What is your greatest achievement as
          I don’t use it as much as I’d like. I was  a Toastmaster?

      active in Chamber Greeters for many years,                 Being able to mentor so many members over
      promoting Toastmasters. I’ve made Toastmasters  the years! I think it’s officially around a dozen
      presentations to many organizations, workshops,  now, but there are many more unaccounted

      and entrepreneur forums.                               for. Helping others achieve their speaking and
                                                             leadership goals is a great honor. Achieving my
      I see you belong to three clubs. Why so  DTM felt good. I never expected to ever get
      many?                                                  that far in the program. It just slowly happened.

          Glad you asked. First, my home club,  Achieving my second DTM this June will be even
      University Toastmasters, because I’m the last  better. For those of you who think your DTM
      holdout from the 2010 group. Next is Jefferson  is a pipe dream, hang in there. This dream can
      State Toastmasters where I was a founding  become your reality.

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