Page 26 - April 2020
P. 26
What the Mammals Learned
Or how to evaluate someone on Zoom
James Wantz, DTM
Some life events shove us out of our comfort didn’t do any good—their Toastmasters club no
zones and head first into change . . . like when a longer met in person.
meteor killed all the dinosaurs and pushed puny Many years later, those pesky and adaptable
little mammals to the top of the food chain. This mammals developed the wheel, sliced bread, and
current pandemic is just such an event (“Well, the Internet (video conferencing soon followed—
I’m stuck at home. Guess I’d better figure out and cat videos). They also revived the concept of
video conferencing if I ever want to see anyone a Toastmasters meeting: where other mammals,
other than myself in the mirror.”) who wanted to be better at communicating, could
Let’s use a handy metaphor—dinosaurs and come together and talk (granted, the dinosaurs
mammals. So . . . a long time ago (in a time of first invented Toastmasters, but mammals were
fairy tales . . . or millions of years before that) never tolerated in their clubs—dinosaurs can be
mammals caught a break and got a leg up on the so cold-blooded).
dinosaurs. See, there was this global extinction Jump to the present day, you are tooling along
level event that pummeled those poor thunder about your everyday life earlier this year (yeah,
lizards into cold-blooded pate. The mammals, remember the good times?). You were attending
being agile and warm-blooded, managed to club meetings, giving excellent speeches, and
survive the nuclear winter when billions upon sharing phenomenal feedback with each
billions of metric tons of airborne sun-blocking other. Life was good!
dust arrived. When the dinosaurs got wind of Then another meteor hit . . .
the impending change, they put on their ruby figuratively.
slippers, clicked their scaled heels together, and Now we are all stuck at home
mumbled, “there’s no place like home, there’s
no place like home . . . ” over and over again. It