Page 10 - April 2020
P. 10


      The Power of Spring

      The power of positivity and focus

      Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director

       The past three days have been so beautiful  Starting July 1st, Pathways is it! Many of you
       here in the Pacific Northwest. The sun was  have embraced the change and I know many
       out, the skies were blue, and the trees around  more will. Toastmasters embrace the new
       my house and garden have been blooming.  growth that comes with change.

       There is the soft melodic drone of the wind               Second, I think about Spring pruning the
       chimes. You can hear the birds chirping.  unwanted so you can direct growth. Are we
       These are ambitious little birds. They are  pruning out the ‘I can’ts’ to the ‘I cans’?  Are
       on task, busily looking for twigs and such  we pruning away unwanted and unnecessary

       to build a nest. If I didn’t know any better, if  self-talk?  None of us are without doubts
       I were watching only what was going on in  and fears. Facing them brings to us the
       my yard, it would have been easy to forget  revelation that fears are veils attempting
       a worldwide pandemic is unfolding. Give  to block our view of the beauty of spring.

       yourself some quiet time to stop and smell  We remember a tree well pruned promotes
       the roses, well maybe later, but for now the  growth, directs energy and, in the end, we
       cherry and apple blossoms. After all, it is a  have bigger and better fruit. Time to get
       state mandate.                                        out the pruning shears and reshape our

          During this time, I’m thinking of you.  Toastmasters journey.
       I hope you are doing well in this Covid-19                Third, there is the metamorphosis of a
       environment. It’s a very challenging time  caterpillar. The only way for metamorphosis
       we face! I believe we will get through it and  to happen is to go through the process. Like

       be better for it.                                     the process of the caterpillar to a butterfly,
          On the subject of Spring . . . when I think  there a bit of a struggle. Know that the
       of Spring, I think of three things:                   process or metamorphosis is just one step.
          First, I think about new growth. For us  Each of us has to go through it. We,  just like

       in Toastmasters and the rest of the world,  the cocooned butterfly, must work our way
       change has been abrupt. We are forced to   through the process. If someone opens up
       grow and adapt in new ways. June 30, 2020  the cocoon for the butterfly, it will not pump
       is the end of the old Educational Program.  up its wings and will not be able to fly. Our

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