Page 17 - March 2020
P. 17
social distancing requirements, please let your the apparel of your choice at the Toastmasters
Area Director know so he/she can log on to one International Shop.
of your club meetings and conduct your club visit The coronavirus pandemic has led to a
that way. If your club needs access to an online lot of (hopefully short-term) changes in our
meeting platform, please let your D7 Trio know society and social lives. I understand the stresses
so we can connect you with one. you’re all feeling from these rapid changes and
tightening restrictions, for I’m feeling them too.
New Clubs Rest assured, though, that Emilie, PJ, and I are
Even in this changing economy where so doing the best we can to continue pursuing our
many people are working from home, I’m still mission to build new clubs and support all clubs
supporting the efforts of those in our district who in achieving excellence even during this public
are working to sponsor new clubs and working health crisis. We are here for you. Feel free to
with companies to build partnerships that will ask us for any support your club needs to adapt
generate leads for new clubs. If your employer is to this ever-changing social environment.
looking to reap the benefits of participation in the Stay well.
Toastmasters program or you know of a company
or community group that’s open to becoming When you can’t control what’s
the home for a new Toastmasters club, please
submit your lead to me (cgd@d7toastmasters. happening,challenge yourself to
org or with the control the way you respond to
person’s name and email address. The New Club
Leads Incentive is still going, so if your new lead what’s happening—That’s where
results in a demo meeting, even an online demo
meeting, you will qualify for a $50 purchase of your power is!
VOICES! | MARCH 2020 17