Page 10 - March 2020
P. 10
Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director
This has been a crazy week in the world due to hearts to all. There are opportunities to call and
Covid-19 (or what we know un-affectionately as check on friends and family. We are forced to be
the Coronavirus). Corona means “crown.” All I closer to home and find ways to occupy ourselves.
can think of is “Triple Crown”—our educational How about ideas on communicating more
award for earning three different levels in effectively? Perhaps we can share Toastmasters’
Pathways or awards in the traditional program. ideas with others and give them an opportunity
In District 7, things have changed drastically. to improve their communication skills. We now
First, we can no longer meet in person—all Area, have opportunities to take our raft into the
Division, and District events have to be online stream and bring some friends with us on the
until June 1, 2020. This means our remaining river of self-improvement and personal growth!
division contests will have to be online.
Second, our District Annual Business Meeting, imble “quick and light in movement;
a big part of our District Conference—where we N agile.” As a Toastmaster, I have learned
elect the 2020-2021 District Leadership Team, to be quick. Table Topics has taught me how to
will now be online as well. come up with answers that are organized and
Finally, many clubs are requesting help to get thoughtful in a very short time. We need to
online access and training on how to conduct be nimble and thoughtful as we adapt to other
Toastmasters online meetings. means of communication. At least for a while,
The world is filled with panic and fear. There face to face 6 feet apart in social situations will
is so much to think about in our own lives. be the new normal. In our case, no physical
It seems the most often used word after meetings or gatherings. We can however be close
Covid-19 is actually ONLINE. Let’s look at it as an to one another by phone, Skype or Zoom! This
acronym and make sense of it with Toastmasters will test our nimbleness. We have to put our oars
in mind. in the water and adjust for the rapids that may
come our way.
pen-hearted Optimism/Opportunity.
O We look for ways to connect with open