Page 24 - February 2020
P. 24
Leadership on Fire
a verbal report in your church, club, etc., d) serve the names of the Eagle recipients is lying in the Igniting Inspiration for 80 Years
on a publication production staff, and e) submit historical society’s basement somewhere. District 7 Toastmasters Conference
a scrapbook, play, script, etc. Thus, if you’re keeping track, me and
Can you guess which one Steve did? And Steve were both Boy Scouts, both Eagle April 24-25, 2020
me? I’ll bet Steve did like I did—I completed Scouts, both earned the Gold Quill Award and
three of the projects (or so my now 50-year-old Communication Merit badge, and we both
yellow achievement record and application were elected to the Boy Scout’s Honor Camping
card indicated by the initials and dates Society, the Order of the Arrow. We learned a
scribbled on it—and I can see him doing little about working to achieve our goals, gaining
no less than two of them. Requirement recognition of both our peers and community,
three was to visit a radio, TV, production and from it, both are still involved in the craft
or photography studio or newspaper office. Once we learned as boys and young men in the Boy
again, initialed and dated, one newspaper office. Scouts. Sure, Steven Spielberg went on to make
(I think it was my grandfather’s initials and his his billions, dozens of movies and TV shows. I,
precise printing font-like lettering.) your humble writer, still write articles and stories
The final requirement was to discuss the through the Toastmasters program. By now, I’ve
requirements of the Communication Merit given well over 185 speeches, earned 40 education
Badge with your unit leader. Dick Harmon, awards and written through the years dozens of
our Assistant Scoutmaster, signed that one for articles. I’m a success in my own right, proud of
our always-absent Scoutmaster. For our fine, my record and achievement.
outstanding achievement and completion of Me and Steven. He wrote recently something
the requirements, we were presented with a that all of us Toastmasters should pay attention
pin in gold and black of an ink well with BSA to and be mindful of as we ply our craft. “People
on it with a quill leaning out of it (all in 10k gold have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t
plate—don’t spare the expense, please!) and a have a middle or an end anymore. They usually
pocket certificate. We were admonished to not have a beginning that never stops beginning.”
wear our Gold Quill Award pin on our uniform United (not in reality but in thought) in
but on our civilian clothes. Hmmm—not sure if communicating with others, bringing joy,
Steve followed that one or not. I know I proudly sorrow, and causing us to think and reflect upon
pinned my GQA on my pocket for all to see, our daily lives. Would you believe I wouldn’t
admire and be envious of. I still think I was the change places with Mr. Spielberg? He can keep
only member of Alta Troop 259 who ever earned his three Oscars, and I’ll keep my Distinguished
it. I was the first Eagle Scout, but not the last as Toastmaster awards—all three of them!
the Troop flourished in later years under the Paul Fanning, DTM joined Toastmasters in
guidance and mentorship of a 1932 Gold Medal 2009. He has served as a club officer, area, and
Olympian and Eagle Scout. Like most things division director. He is currently serving as District
in the rural town I grew up in, they no longer Administaration Manager and Vice President
exist as a troop and the award plaque with all Education for Feedbackers.