Page 12 - February 2020
P. 12


                                                                    It Just Takes a Nudge

                                                                                   Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director

        While working in the garden early this                           process or activity carried out for a
       week, I found myself unable to move or lift                       specific purpose, especially one concerned
       a 30 pound planter. I was flabbergasted/                          with a specified area or skill”. It’s been

       flummoxed/disgusted to say the least.                            Thanksgiving, Christmas goodies and
       This has never been a problem                                    one too many Valentine’s Day chocolates.
       before. Am I                                                      Theoretically speaking….. The take away???
                                                                               Let’s get our District back in shape!

                                                                            The title of this article.
                                                                               What is getting in shape all about?  It
                                                                           is about doing little things and making
                                         getting                            them habits. It only takes a little nudge

                                    older? Is my                              to move big objects. We find that
         age catching up on me? This cannot                                       exercising a little here and there
       be. I remember my neighbor Eldora                                           adds up. It is kind of like counting
       who suddenly passed away at the age                                          steps. We do not really count

       of 92. The week before, she was mowing                                       steps, we have a step counter.
       her lawn and cleaning her gutters.                                       We do things just a little differently,
          I have always been physically strong,                                  we change a habit like taking stairs
       but let me be honest, I haven’t exercised                                 vs elevators. We park our cars a

       for a while. To continue thinking that                                     little further out to walk into the
       I could do what I used to do without                                       store.  Just little things add up to
       exercising is a fool’s way of thinking. I                                 big things. If we all do little things,
       made a promise to do weight lifting- the                                 big things cannot help but happen.

       Total Gym needs my touch. It’s been                                          What little things can we do for
       dusty for a while and what about the                                      our clubs?  Better yet, what can we
       stationary bike???  Yep, stationary and                                       do a little of that helps ourselves
       being used as a clothing hanger.                                                    and thereby benefits our  c

          I got to thinking about exercise                                                 clubs?   One approach my
       and the concept of exercise and how it                                               husband Steven reminds
       relates to me as a Toastmaster.                                                    me of is being friendly to
          Exercise has been defined as “a                                               all. In his line of work, he

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