Page 28 - January 2020
P. 28
First World Problems
James Wantz, DTM
“Where’s your water bottle?” improves mood, and enhances calm!!!”
“My what?” “Sounds like you should drink more
“Your water bottle? The one I gave you so
you’d always have a water bottle with you. That “Oh, sarcasm! Go ahead, ignore me! What do
water bottle!” I care . . . it’s your funeral.”
“I lost it.” That’s a recent (mildly exaggerated)
conversation with a relative. Not carrying a water
“YOU WHAT?! bottle is not the end of the world (though some
think it is a direct cause of global warming).
“I mean, it’s somewhere at home . . . I It is totally a first world problem (since not
think.” having regular access to clean water affects
approximately 2 billion people worldwide). A first
How are you supposed to drink 96oz to 125oz world problem is “a relatively trivial or minor
of water a day if you lost your bottle?!” problem or frustration (implying a contrast
with serious problems such as those that may be
“I’m not thirsty anyway.” experienced in the developing world)”.
Many of my problems are first world
“You’re not supposed to be! If you are thirsty, problems: lost water bottle, not liking the house
you are already dehydrated! You are NEVER I am renting (the mold isn’t paying its share
supposed to be thirsty.” of the utilities), being stranded after my yoga
class because of a dead car battery (just...ugh!),
“What’s wrong with being thirsty?” not having hot water for a shower because my
roommate is washing clothing (grrrr!), not having
“You are being abusive to your body, that’s coffee waiting for me in the morning because
what! Drinking 96oz of water a day - I drink twice the other roommate was late to work and didn’t
that by the way - improves skin tone, reduces make it. (How dare he not make coffee!! Wormy
stress, speeds weight loss, cushions the brain, dog his pillow right now!!).