Page 16 - January 2020
P. 16
Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
– What’s with all the Deadlines?
PJ Kleffner, DTM - Program Quality Director
I spent 40 years of my high-tech career in Toastmasters Clubs are given goals each year
sales and marketing positions. I always hated called the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).
the way management pushed us to meet our Areas, Divisions and Districts also have goals.
sales targets (quotas, goals, or whatever your If you have ever had instruction about SMART
company called them) at the end of each fiscal goals, you know that the “T” stands for “Time”.
year. You were a hero if you were over target on We recently passed the half-way point in our
the last day of the year. However, the very next Toastmasters year, so it is a good time to check
day, everything reset to zero and you were a our progress toward meeting our DCP goals and
nobody again. It always felt like Sisyphus rolling other deadlines which are designed to help us
his boulder up the hill, only to have it fall back have a successful year.
down again. Here are some key events and dates for your
Apparently, human beings need deadlines consideration:
if we are to ever accomplish anything! • Evaluation and International Speech