Page 9 - June 2019
P. 9

Write out the project plan                              on the momentum of finishing the easier parts

          You now have enough information to put a  to look at the harder ones. This sounds easy. It
      plan together and share it out. Then it’s just a  is. It actually works.
      matter of following through on the tasks.

      Write a postmortem                                         Can some of the project be delegated? If you
          This does not have to be much more than  can take an entire section of a project and entrust
      a list of bulleted thoughts. The point is to get  it to someone else, it should take a large level of
      these thoughts down soon after the event, while  stress off of that looming deadline. Besides, if you

      they are still fresh in your mind. Do not forget  can’t trust your friends and coworkers, who can
      to include thoughts on what might have been  you trust? (Be careful here. If you are cashing
      improved. This could come in handy if you have  in favors, do not micro-manage! If you are not
      to replicate the project at another time, or when  approaching from a position of gratitude, you’ll

      others have similar projects.                           lose much of what you have gained, and lose
                                                              credibility along the way!) Remember, gratitude
      Move on                                                 reciprocates!
          It is extremely important to step away for

      awhile.                                                 Re-scope and pare down
                                                                 While not usually desirable, you may get to
          Okay, so that is the easy part! You’ve set up the  a point where you have to come to some tough
      project to succeed. How do you keep it on track  decisions and eliminate an element in order to

      when you see dates slipping, roadblocks getting  get the project completed on time and/or on
      bigger and bigger, and you find the influence of  budget. Reflect again on the first point. What is
      others, (and their goals, not yours) creeping into  the end-product supposed to be, and how can
      the scope of the project? It gets back to my first  you best prioritize those elements.

      point Understand the result. Begin with the end            No doubt you have agreed to do something
      in mind. Make sure the MISSION is on track  and then looked at yourself and said “What in the
      first. It may become the product of “scope-creep”  heck did I just sign up for?!” It happens to all of
      where one project evolves into another. That is  us. Hopefully, this approach will not only realize

      not always a bad thing, but it is important to  the end of your vision, allow yourself a chance
      recognize as the project dates get closer.              to reflect on your excellent work, look at your
          Here are some ideas that might help to carry  task list and ask—”Now that’s done, what’s next?”
      you through.                                               Daniel Brewer joined Toastmasters in 2014. He

      Break it up and go easy                                 is currently a member of Silicon Forest Toastmasters.
          Look at your remaining tasks and try and  He is serving as the 2018-19 Division H, Area 94
      put them into 10-minute chunks. Then look at  Director.
      the easiest of them and tackle them first. Build

                                                                                      VOICES! | JUNE 2019      9
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