Page 15 - June 2019
P. 15


      Learning To Lead!

      Cate Arnold, DTM

      Club Growth Director

         As my year as Club Growth                                                         qualities are:  Inspire:
      Director comes to a close, our                                                       bring an inquisitive,

      outgoing District Director, John                                                   positive energy to
      Rodke, suggested we review our year                                                  those you are leading;
      as leaders using the roses, thorns and buds                                           be the example of
      learning approach. Roses are what went                                                a caring, curious,

      well, thorns are what was difficult, and                                            constructive member
      buds are new ideas to take into                                                  that makes activities fun
      the future.                                                                 and valuable. Support: get  to
         What I wish  to share are                                           know what members are interested

      two of the buds that I am taking                                       in so you can encourage them
      into next year as Program Quality                                     and provide hands on help when
      Director. It is my responsibility to                                needed. Guide: provide suggestions
      provide our leaders with relevant                                         (rather than orders) based on

      training and mentoring to help them                                            your knowledge. Guiding
      be successful in their respective roles.                                        is only successful if the
         The first is for all of us to consider                                       people trust that you are
      serving in leadership roles as a learning                                     there to be a mentor, not a

      opportunity. There is so much to be                                      boss.
      learned by understanding and setting                                        I am truly excited to carry
      objectives, seeing what happens                                        these buds into the new year
      over the year, and then looking                                     as Program Quality Director.  I

      at what went well, what didn’t,                                     look forward to learning with you
      and what you would do differently                                    all, practicing the art of being a
      for a better outcome in the future.                                   leader. I hope to provide learning
         The second bud, and  most                                          opportunities that are as valuable

      valuable one for me, was what I                                      as that which I am receiving! What
      learned about the qualities of a successful                        are your roses, thorns and buds?
      leader, especially in our volunteer
      world of  Toastmasters. My top three

                                                                                      VOICES! | JUNE 2019     15
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