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 Through his teen years, Cleon had a couple   office manager during his tenure.

 of close friends but never had a desire to be   After several years he was recruited away   he returned to Oakland and began a career in
 part of a large crowd. He felt he didn’t fit in.   by a transportation company in Nevada with   “dialing for dollars.” He enjoyed working as
 After high school, he wanted to be on his own. He   the promise of more money and a company   a stockbroker because it gave him plenty of
 thought about moving to Idaho and becoming   car. “I was flabbergasted. I’d never had anyone   opportunities to learn new material. He has

 a forest ranger. A career that did not require   approach me like that. It felt good. So I jumped   always liked learning something new, and he
 interacting with people. He felt he could not   ship.” Cleon shared that the position only lasted   was in his element.
 ‘hold his own’—people frightened him.  Cleon worked as a stockbroker for several
 Cleon went to work as an expediter for   years before returning to the transportation

 Lockheed Missiles and Space in Sunnyvale,   field. “I had gotten past my fear of talking
                                                             Mark Eaton, Cleon and Gloria Cox - 2011 Spring Conference
 California in 1961 and was married in 1962. In   to people, and my job wasn’t as much fun
 1963, they moved to Idaho for the summer where   anymore.” The new job brought him to
 he worked as a house painter with his granddad.  Portland, Oregon in 1984 where he worked as   That exchange spurred Cleon’s curiosity.

 With a baby on the way, they moved back to   District Manager for Greyhound Lines.  Why was Dick suggesting he go? What did that
 the San Francisco Bay area where Cleon took   While they were still in San Francisco, Cleon’s   have to do with anything? He looked up a few
 a job in the mills as a janitor. Over time, he   wife, Gloria, worked for a large construction firm   clubs in the telephone book, attended their
 worked his way up to becoming a professional   where several employees attended a Toastmasters   meetings, and joined Wallmasters in 1994.

 welder/pipefitter and mechanical repairman.   club. While she was not interested, she suggested   Looking back on those days, he realized what
 At the time, he thought he had the  ultimate job   to Cleon that since he liked to talk, he should   drew him and kept him coming back was the
 “Everyone wanted those jobs, and I got it.”  take a look at joining the group. Cleon declined   constant learning. “Today, I’m a big advocate of
 Cleon started attending college taking one   the offer. He had taken speech in college and was   learning, I have to learn. It keeps me alive.”

 class at a time. He was still not comfortable   sure he didn’t need it.  Cleon had been leading  Job Finders meetings
 talking to people or being in large groups. In   Greyhound Bus Sign, Corvallis, Oregon  After being in Portland for several years and   before joining Toastmasters and becoming one
 1969, his company went on strike. As a union   once again seeking his next opportunity, Cleon   of its most avid promoters. He recalls that 99%
 member walking a picket line, he decided it was   a year. He discovered that the company was in   began attending weekly Job Finders Support   of the people attending Job Finders were well-

 time to move on. He began the next phase of his   financial trouble and looking for a buyer.  Group meetings in November 1991. It wasn’t   educated, had worked—wanted to work—but
 career as a supervisor at Greyhound Lines, Inc.   He moved back to the Bay area and became   long before he was facilitating the sessions. He   were struggling. He found that most of them
 “As a supervisor,” I asked, “didn’t you have to   a stockbroker. “That was my first dealing with   has been leading the group for 27 years.  lacked interview skills and the ability to present
 deal with a large number of people?”  informational interviews. It was not something   About 10 years after moving to Portland,   themselves well. They were comfortable with

 “I did. In my supervisory position, during   talked about in the 1970s, but that’s what I had   Cleon met Dick Warn, a sales trainer, who   submitting resumes but not in answering
 my 8-hour shift, I had several hundred drivers   done. I had gone in to learn some information   had been a Toastmaster in his early life. After   questions.
 below me. I worked with them in dispatching.    about the business. The office manager had me   telephone conversations spanning a year, he asked   “So at that point, I started inviting them to
 It was my first entry into management/  interview with his four leaders. He held the   Cleon whether he knew about Toastmasters.  the club. ‘Why don’t you just come and see this.’

 supervision. Unknown to me at the time, it was   deciding vote. I was hired.”  “Yes.”  I talked to them about the benefits of it. Talked
 the beginning of my desire to be in leadership.”  Cleon completed an extensive training   “Have you ever belonged?”  to them about the value of it. Then when they
 Cleon was eventually promoted regional   program in Oakland and New York, after which   “No.”  visited, talked them into joining.”
         “Think about it.”                                        Cleon was very successful at recruiting new

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