Page 22 - 2019 March Voices
P. 22
Value Change: A Key
to Winning Speech Contests
Joe Anthony, DTM
You’ve prepared. You’ve practiced. And now, understand why, ask yourself this fundamental
over the course of seven minutes, you’ll take question: Did I demonstrate a Value Change?
the audience on a journey that’s guaranteed to Robert McKee, author of Story, says that if
change their lives. You speak eloquently. You use nothing changes in value, the scene is a non-event.
open body language and natural movement. You Your speeches, which are 7-minute stories,
utilize thoughtful appeal and foreshadowing. must also change in value to be emotionally
You even remember to say “Fellow Toastmasters compelling. Values like Hate or Ignorance
and Honored Guests” at the 30-second mark. must move to their natural opposite, Love or
And your Call To Action? It’s not just a simple Wisdom, by the end of your story. Compelling
summary with a cute quote at the end. It’s an events move from Bondage to Freedom. Chaos
atomic bomb of wit and wordplay. A WMD of to Calm. Negative to Positive. Or vice-versa.
truth so clear they’ll hear it in Baker. You drop it, Because it’s the change itself that excites the
and you watch the audience absorb the impact. audience. The change in you, the speaker and
You smile. You bow. And you hear. . . the main character, is what we’re all watching
Crickets. A void of silence, while the room for. As the protagonist of your story, if you hold
digests your message. A spattering of polite golf the exact same opinions and values from the
claps. And then the Toastmaster begins reading first sentence to the last, then you might as well
the introduction for the next speaker. Later, in have been reading from a phonebook for all the
polite words, the evaluator says your speech was audience cares.
good, but it wasn’t great. It was technically correct, What does Value Change in a Toastmaster
but unimpressive. It was well-planned. It hit every speech look like? The most common Value
mark. It achieved every written objective. But Change in a winning speech is a journey of
it was somehow flat. Dull. Unremarkable. It just Ignorance to Wisdom. Go to Youtube and watch
didn’t. . . move anyone, emotionally. the 1st place International Speech winners, and
Have you heard a speech that fulfilled its you can see the underlying structure of their
purpose, had all the right information, and yet stories by watching for the Value Change. As the
it just didn’t have that certain spark? Have you speaker begins they’ll share a misconception
been the one delivering that speech? If your that was making their life miserable, sometimes
story falls flat with the audience and you can’t for years (Value Held: Ignorance) and they’ll