Page 10 - 2018 December
P. 10
Why do you recommend Toastmasters to About the
anyone looking to improve leadership and
communication? Darkness Arc
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
Anything worth doing well is worth repeated B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
failure until you can do it well. Toastmasters is
a comfortable place to fail at something until
Rather than get immersed in the
you master it. I’ve bombed a few speeches, been
typical Yule tidings let us turn elsewhere—
flummoxed by Table Topics questions, and
to December 21st. That will mark the start
made leadership decisions that backfired. Every
of winter.
time, though, the feedback I received has been
It also happens to be the shortest day
encouraging yet rich in recommendations on
of the year where darkness predomimates
how I can do better the next time. Never have I
near and far.
been criticized in Toastmasters for my failure.
How do we deal with dark? Do we yield
Rather, I’ve always seen my club rally around
to and panic? When we were little kids we
me and give me the strength to recover. I’ve also
were warned of the bogeyman. And for
had mentors who saw leadership potential in
some adults, we still confront modern day
me and nudged me forward into the leadership
villains. Dark alleys remain scary. Who or
opportunities Toastmasters provides. For these
what lurks in the shadows can send shivers
reasons I will recommend Toastmasters to
down our very spines.
anyone willing to commit the time and energy
In our homes many of us harbor night
to becoming a better communicator and leader.
lights to guide our ways. Once again
[And there you have it. I’ve know Eldred for a
darkness conjures up pervasive fear.
number of years, and continue to be inspired by his
Historians refer to the Dark Ages as
commitment to Toastmasters and his willingness to
the period when enlightened minds faded
embrace new challenges. He joined Toastmasters in
into nothingness. Somewhat like being
2009, and earned his DTM in 2016. He is currently
cast into oblivion!
serving as Division D Director. -- Phyllis Harmon]
If you plan to deliver a speech this
December, choose any of these themes
and you will shine.
Lee first got involved in Toastmasters
in 1986. His newsletter in the District of
Columbia was a best bulletin winner in 1993.