Page 15 - Voices April 2018
P. 15

advice: “If you can’t figure it out in 30               Institute—Learn how to be more effective

             minutes, ask for help.” As a District, we               in your role as a leader on June 9th at
             have resources to help you. This is an                  Wilsonville High School. This, along
             excellent opportunity for us all to grow                with the Conference, are excellent
             through uncomfortable change.                           opportunities to bring new members and

         3.  Be aware of criticism. DTMs and                         guests to learn more about Toastmasters
             “seasoned” Toastmasters are the “All                    and gather actionable takeaways for their
             Stars” within our clubs. Our members                    lives.
             are watching us and emulating what we               3.  District Leadership—If you are interested

             do. The good, the bad, and the ugly. We                 in helping our members thrive, and to
             all know the rollout has not been the                   grow as a leader, we have a few spots
             smoothest experience, But we are in it                  available for this upcoming year. For
             now, and have the opportunity to make it                those members wrapping up a DTM in

             better. A wonderful aspect of the Pathways              the traditional program, now is your
             program, is that it can be changed. Your                opportunity to shine.
             constructive feedback helps us improve              I look forward to continung to grow and
             the program in real time. My ask is that         thrive with you on our Toastmasters journey.

             you pass your comments up the chain to           Through change we get out of our comfort zone,
             myself and the rest of the Trio, where it
             can do good, instead of to our current and
             new members where it can sour them on

             the program.


          1.  District 7 Toastmasters Spring

              Conference—Please join us on May 4th
              and 5th for “Share Your Story” at the Kroc
              Center in Salem. We have two excellent
              speakers coming in to help you leverage

              Toastmasters in your career and develop
              more impactful storytelling. There will
              be three different presentations from
              each speaker throughout the weekend.

              Friday night, Saturday during the day,
              and at the Saturday night banquet. We
              look forward to seeing you there!
          2.  Summer Toastmastrers Leadership

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