Page 26 - voices November
P. 26
Let the Shun Sign In
David Shehorn, IP3
For me, the challenge of speech development is essence, make a draft. Stew on it for awhile,
to find the voice that encompasses my message. then attack again to revise, expand and
I love to play with words, that is a part of the detail the story.
subdued poet and punster that is always within • Expectation: Plan how to deliver the
me. Sometimes I bring that message to the speech, what gestures and presentation
surface to add variety and fun to a speech even tools to use, then rehearse it. Then time the
if it is a serious topic to me. speech while rehearsing. Then address the
These are the Shun Signs of Speech shortcomings and finalize your message.
Development that I was mulling over during • Action: Rehearse mentally in preparation
the development of a recent speech. This is just for the delivery while in transit to the
a part of the conversation that I typically have meeting.
with myself—there is a lot of back talk and even • Execution: Deliver the speech as a part of
a devil’s advocate position that creeps in (what your message, leaving opportunities for
can possibly go wrong?). that spontaneous thought that pops up
• Inspiration: Find a subject that inspires during delivery.
you, that you know well or want to know • Completion: Review the Evaluator’s
well. suggestions and evaluate incorporation
• Imagination: Use your mind’s third eye in the next speech.
to find a novel approach to discussing a The “-tions” add an impetus to what I was
topic that will have broad appeal to the going over in my search for a speech to deliver
audience. Play with it. at a club that is in the early development stage
• Concentration: Do some homework— of becoming a chartered club. It was then that I
search for ideas. They could be online realized that the speech preparation was what I
or inline with your personal experience. should be speaking about—they needed to see
• Innovation: Turn the story on its side or that speech development can be fun in itself. It
look at it from a different direction. The is all a part of the self development. Learn to
underbelly of your own perspective may practice what you preach, Dave. I agreed!
reveal new features.
• Creation: Find your story, capture the