Page 12 - voices November
P. 12
Therein Lies the Power . . .
Emilie Taylor, DTM - Program Quality Director
Thinking about Thanksgiving makes me reflect of lack of access to a computer and not having
on the power of Toastmasters and our noble enough time to learn. This discouragement came
mission of “empowering individuals to become to a point of wanting to drop out. I impressed
more effective communicators and leaders.” upon this person the talents of being a wonderful
and skilled speaker. This person travels all over
Club Level the country giving speeches. By not participating
As we are a membership-driven organization, in the club, it would become in a way, a loss,
where our “members are the heart and depriving us, the members, of our own growth.
foundation”, let me start my reflection and By being a good speaker, a person causes you as
thank our clubs. A club was my first exposure to the evaluator to grow. Evaluating means having
Toastmasters. To all club members I have met, to dig in deep and think of what to say. Therein
Thank you! Without you, I wouldn’t be where lies the power of what we do in our clubs. Doing
I am now—a person full of hope, dreams, and evaluations stretches one not only in speaking
ideas. but in critical thinking skills. That is, truly each
Our clubs are living and breathing organisms. and every one of us are valuable assets, creating
The club’s shape, tone, or atmosphere; good or the opportunity for our fellow members to learn
not so good, comes with what we bring to it. It’s and grow from each other.
truly a place of change. Change in how we view Leadership skills are learned by doing: It is
ourselves, other members, and those in between. not an inherent quality. For many, moving out
You have heard it often said: “What you put in of our comfort zone can be discomforting and
to Toastmasters, you get out of Toastmasters.” challenging. Volunteering as an officer, bringing
Truer words have never been said. your own unique qualities, shapes each club in
We become “empowered” individuals by each district. Remember, at Toastmasters, we are
our willingness to give speeches and by taking afforded the space, the safe space, to experiment
on roles. and grow as leaders. It can only happen if you
I recall a member of one of my clubs who felt are willing to step out, step forward, and step
discouraged about Pathways. There was a feeling up. The internal growth happens, bringing on
of not belonging to the club anymore because external growth in ourselves and the Club. It is