Page 19 - 2018 September Voices
P. 19

How long have you been a member of the                      Keeping all the balls in the air.

     Beaverton City Council?
     Since 2005. We are the government on the                 If someone is considering running for Club

     ground that most people see. Our most important          Growth Director for 2019-2020 what advice
     services and the bulk of our spending are for            would you give them?
     drinkable clean water and sewage treatment.                 Recognize that you must become the
     Next in importance is police, then building and          coordinator rather than the executor. Develop

     repairing local roads, sidewalks, and streetlights.      your network of Toastmaster Angels: members
     Clearing road blockages and cleaning streets,            with experience and skills who want to help
     land use approvals, building design permits,             make good things happen in our clubs. You need
     building inspections, a Municipal Court to handle        them as they will be doing most of the work.

     minor offenses. While many things are going              There is so much the CGD is responsible for:
     well in our city, being involved in government           starting new clubs, helping existing clubs find
     is tough right now because there is so much              new members, and keeping the ones they have,
     divisiveness and judgment against “the other”.           providing help for clubs in danger of folding,

     We are subconsciously becoming conditioned               connecting with our Area and Division Directors
     to accept inaccurate, cruel jabs at each other as        to understand their varying needs so that we
     normal, with our attention on people politics            can recognize, and provide crucial resources,
     rather than the real issues we face. Toastmasters        marketing Toastmasters to audiences outside of

     is my calming influence to counteract this.              our clubs. It can’t be done well without teams of
                                                              Toastmaster Angels.
     What do you think is your biggest challenge
     as Club Growth Director?

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2018       19
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