Page 10 - 2018 July Voices
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SMART-ER goals helped two of my clients • Review your goals every day for the first 90
reach new heights: days, then weekly. You’re much more likely
1 A sales coach to follow through on those things that
you see and think about constantly.
hit a plateau in A financial counselor 2 • Recruit an accountability partner.
his coaching business and came to me two It’s easy to let yourself off the hook
was struggling to motivate years after launching when pursuing your goals and dreams.
himself to move to the next her unsuccessful business.
level. I helped him create She battled an inferiority When you know that someone is going
SMART-ER goals that didn’t complex so severe she to be asking you on a regular basis if
frustrate and overpower found it nearly impossible to you’re doing what you said you would
him. Now he has more interact with clients without when you said you’d do it, you are at
enthusiasm, energy and feeling overwhelmed. After least 2-3 times more likely to do it.
drive than ever. He is clarifying the purpose of • Make “course adjustments” on a
successfully going after her life and business, she weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.
his goals at a high rate of began applying the SMART-ER When you first set goals, it’s easy to
speed! concepts. In just a few months,
she was transformed from get caught up in the moment and set
“wallflower” to a confident, unrealistic or unachievable goals. And
outgoing and successful life happens too! Take time to review
businesswoman! your progress and make changes, if
Here are a few strategies necessary.
to make your SMART-ER goals more attainable: As a next step, I encourage you to go to
• Consider your highest priorities and core
values. They are your “big rocks.” It is demand/. For a very nominal cost, you can view
essential they come first, before anything else! my video “Reconstruct Your Life.” During the
I recommend creating your “perfect week” video, I share how to develop your purpose,
template to ensure that your highest priorities vision, goals, and action steps that are essential
are not “crowded out” when life gets hectic. to accomplishing what you desire in life.
• Set “appointments” with yourself. When Eric is a business and career coach, speaker,
things come up that are not included in your and trainer who helps business owners, executives,
perfect week but are closely tied with your managers, and other professionals maximize
priorities and core values, make sure they get productivity and profitability while experiencing
on your schedule. career and life fulfillment. Eric joined Toastmasters
• Show your goals, vision, and purpose to those in 2013 and is a member and past president of
that love and support you. This can really Noontime Nomads. You can contact him at ehoward@
give you “staying po,wer” and help you follow
through when enthusiasm fades away. Loved
ones know better than anyone hat keeps you
motivated and moving forward.