Page 33 - Voices March 2018
P. 33
A Stubborn
Mark Thomson
This is my first year as a Future Stars Gavel value in athe Gavel Club that I first thought
Club member. Commuting 45 minutes each way, was not for me.
with a 90-minute Toastmaster session, meant Flash forward to today, I have done four
that much less time for other fun activities on the speeches, which I have improved on each time,
weekend. And weekends are special—especially I have been the general evaluator, and willing.
for teens like myself. At first and occasionally ly participate in Table Topics.
still, I was very reluctant to go to these meetings. In the end, it is key to understand that to
I had heard the usual “Speaking skills are the key improve your skills, you have to put your whole
to the future”, “Public school will never teach you soul in it; not—1/2, not 3/4—all of it. Because,
this, so this will.” Being a 14-year-old, I always only then will you see the desired change that
have “better” things to do and I didn’t believe brought you here in the first place.
a word of it. I always thought to myself, “I will I have come to realize that speaking skills
never need any of this.” As a young teenager, it are an important element for both career and
was indeed a stubborn beginning to something personal growth. So, whether it is at a Future
new. Stars meeting or elsewhere, I am looking
I remember in my first couple of meetings. forward to continuing to hone my speaking
I would try to not get noticed, always watching skills, building my confidence and finding
the clock, counting down how much time was opportunities to utilize those skills as I progress
remaining, constantly hoping I wouldn’t be through school, college and my future career
chosen for table topics. But over time and paths.
through trial and error, that anxiety washed Mark Thomson is an 8th grader, with high school
away. I got a little bit more out of my shell; I Math. He enjoys playing video games, hanging out
didn’t want to do table topics, but if I was chosen, with friends. He is currently a Toastmaster member
I wouldn’t freak out on the inside. Next, I began at Future Stars.
doing minor roles, I spoke up more, felt more Future Stars is a youth communication and
relaxed. leadership gavel club administered by Toastmasters
After all that build up, I finally did my first International, helping the young people of today
speech. Now it wasn’t great—but I discovered my become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club
strengths and weaknesses. From that point on, is open to all middle school and high school aged
I have been improving, taking on bigger roles, kids. It gives them the opportunity to become better
feeling fully relaxed and beginning to see the listeners, thinkers, speakers and leaders.
VOICES! | MARCH, 2018 33