Page 23 - Voices March 2018
P. 23


      What’s Your


      Lisa Hutton, ACB, ALB - Club Coach Coordinator

         Are you doing the same things over and               they will happen.
      over and expecting different results? Whether               Celebrate your members! When significant

      Einstein said it or not, you don’t have to              achievements are reached, taking a moment
      be a genius to make changes. On the other                    to recognize the effort and commitment
      hand, being adaptable is a necessary                              put forth not only makes the member
      characteristic for how well someone                                 feel special, it can also inspire

      initiates and responds to change.                                    other members. Remember,
      In addition to being adaptable, Club                                 when members are doing well
      Coaches need to be compassionate and                                 and moving forward with their
      strategic at the same time, when sharing                            educational goal(s), the club also

      their hopes for what is possible for the club.                     benefits and moves forward. With
         Strong leadership doesn’t begin or end                      just three months remaining to get our
      with any one action. However, the act of                      clubs to Distinguished or better, it’s time
      listening certainly is at the forefront of                    to put the pedal to the metal and drive

      what it’ll take to understand and motivate                     the club forward.
      your members. If you don’t know why                               No matter how out of reach it may
      your members are there, how can you                           seem for your club to be Distinguished,
      effectively lead them to achieving their                   the possibility exists and possibility is all

      goal(s)? Understanding why members joined               that change needs to get started. Review what
      Toastmasters and keeping them engaged                   club goal(s) need to be completed, schedule a
      requires a multifaceted approach. If your               club officer’s meeting to discuss ideas and put
      club doesn’t already do this, consider having           your club’s success plan into action. One of

      members and guests introduce themselves and             the best ways to help newer members, while
      briefly share, at the beginning of a meeting,           at the same time ensuring advanced members
      why they are there. When a group of people              complete their educational goals, is to have
      agree to interact regularly to improve and              advanced members present from either the

      practice in an area that is important to them, it       Better Speaker Series or the Club Success
      becomes their community. Additionally, when             Series. This type of multifaceted approach
      we voice our goals to others in a supportive            is what will keep members coming back –
      environment, it increases the likelihood that           perhaps with a guest next week.

                                                                              VOICES! | MARCH, 2018          23
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