Page 16 - Voices March 2018
P. 16


      I’m Waiting . . .

      Please Respond

       Angels Come into Our Lives to Give Us Wings

      Terry Beard

      Driving through Central Oregon on a four-hour  protocol; what it is and what it is not.
      car ride, my wife Pascale, niece Lilia and I had           In France, developing friends is like fine
      plenty of time to chat and to drill down to some        wine, it takes time. Once you have discovered
      deeper understanding of an all-too-common  a precious friend, comme un bijou, (like a

      behavior pattern in the USA.                            jewel) in France it is serious business. If a friend
         “Lilia, you deserve better,” I said. “Suzy-Q is  reaches out to you in France, sans doute, you
      not playing communication ping-pong with you.           get back to them tout de suite—right away.
      You were led to believe that if you reached out to      Lilia was shocked. She thought that she had

      her that she would get back to you. You pinged  a new American friend. Her questions about
      (texted) her, and she has not responded—no
      pong, no ping-pong. Forget it.
         You cannot count on her, there is and will

      not be any social security consistency in that
      relationship. Her failure to get back to you is
      really non-verbal discouragement. She’ll get
      back to you eventually full of excuses. The alibis

      list will be endless. The excuse will start off, her
      saying, ‘I am so sorry I got very busy, yadda
      yadda, yadda.”
         During the time she stayed with us, I was

      reminded by her questions of the cultural
      differences between the USA and France. In our
      conversations, I found that she spotted some of
      the cultural differences and questioned me on

      occasion about communication ping-pong. In the
      process of sharing with her what I thought about
      communication, I discovered much that further
      sensitized me to what is good communication

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