Page 9 - Voices Feb 2018
P. 9
kidding aside, our organization is extremely What was special about those evaluations is that
fortunate to have two world-class leaders such it focused only on what I did wrong, how I went
as Dan and Sally to guide us. My thanks would over time and why it was so boring. It was my two
not be complete without expressing my deep little angels, Avisha and Mahishaa who chiseled
gratitude to the World headquarters staff. They me mercilessly until I reached a reasonable level
have consistently demonstrated an immense of excellence!
commitment and a tremendous work ethic, We are the only secular organization in the
making it possible for volunteer leaders like world that focuses on human transformation
us to do our best work. Please believe me, you founded on ethical standards. A wonderful
are constantly in my heart. tribute to our founder Ralph Smedley and the
If it was one thing that I learnt from my late magnificent organization he founded, that goes
father, mother and my brother, It was to think beyond teaching communication and leadership.
of people first. I can still remember as a child, It changes lives, my friends—as it has changed
our kitchen used to be over flowing with food yours and mine. In all my travels around the
for who ever visited us, And my mother used world two things have become apparent to me:
1) that people of the world are crying
for communication and leadership
development. 2) that we have a
tremendous opportunity, limited only
by our creativity and will, to share the
benefits of our life altering programs
with the people of the world.
I envision our organization’s reach,
extending to every country in the world
enabling more and more people than
ever before to realize their full potential,
and Toastmasters International being
Balraj and Sarumathy at 2017 International Convention recognized as the place “Where Leaders
are Made”. And my friends, the best
to be the last person to eat. is yet to come with the launch of our Pathways
In large part, I owe my improved speaking program. Fellow Toastmasters and friends:
skills to my two very talented and lovely with a fervent faith that you will walk this path
daughters. They used to take pleasure in with me, as I walk alongside you, I urge you to
tormenting me about my lack of speaking skills. keep a “People First” attitude as you go to serve
Most of you would generally get evaluated once your clubs, your teams, your family and your
at a club meeting. But I would get evaluated, organization. Let us embark on this voyage
first at the club meeting, second on my way confidently, with the blessings of the divine to
home, and third at home. It was like taking guide us, and the power of our prayers to sustain
an antibiotic three times a day, after meals. us. Thank you and God bless you all.