Page 33 - Voices Feb 2018
P. 33



                                                                  Lee Coyne, ATMS

       a bomb?” Most of the audience was as shocked                       Come February it’s Cupid Time
       as I had been at hearing that, but I delivered a                   We celebrate rekindled lavished
       message about remaining optimistic through                          Luv. Yes . . . verily Valentine
       trying experiences. Toastmasters helped me

       overcome the difficulties that stemmed from                What a perfect juncture to better mirror
       others attacking my Muslim identity. By                    that courtship between our speaker and the
       becoming a person who is able to change, I feel            audience. Outreach gears up.
       comfortable when people talk about Islam.                     The opening line is critical because it

           My identity is crucial to the work I do because        creates that vital first impression. We are
       it fuels my passion for improving myself. It allows        simultaneously speaking to both heart and
       me to focus on ambitious goals, like becoming              mind.  Hence our mission is to maximize
       an engineer or conveying technical knowledge               feelings and not merely cerebral stuff.  A

       in a team. Productive learning requires a holistic         balance—alas.
       approach that takes into consideration a variety              Sometimes a clever jest or riddle can mark
       of motivations. For me, that acquaintance who              our starting line. Or possibly a quotation from
       shocked me so many years ago was a stepping                some person who is relatively well known

       stone on a trek towards self-improvement, I look           to the audience. Familiarity brings about
       forward to continuing this journey in college.             comfort.
           Hammad is a high school senior at Catlin Gabel            We best keep our talk structured rather
       School, and has been apart of the youth Gavel club,        than convoluted. Akin to Cupid our aim must

       Future Stars, for 5 years.                                 be precisely on target.
           Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication         If we seek to convince, then our data
       and leadership club administered by Toastmasters           must be coherent and cohesive. If our goal is
       International, helping the young people of today           entertainment, then our humor or humane

       become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is          touch must reach toward the proverbial
       open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It    funnybone.
       gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,        Educational level of the audience is
       thinkers, speakers and leaders.                            important to factor in. We cannot afford to

           The club meets weekly during the school year           talk over their heads or below their navels.
       every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW             Strike out all that seemingly is salacious. No
       160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first         ‘R’-rated movie terms.
       room in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars          Courtship is a two-way street. Be alert to

       or to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at       assert friendly eye contact and absorb the Visitors are encouraged          audience response. Rapport is a romance of
       to visit the club and see for themselves why Future        communications.
       Stars should be part of their educational journey.            Let their applause express that love!

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