Page 26 - Voices Feb 2018
P. 26




      James Wantz, DTM

      D7 Public Relations Manager

       I don’t like change—and Pathways is all about         bathrobe, and PJs—in fact my home club had a
       change!                                               pajama meeting so I was able to be completely
          When Pathways rolled out I discovered              comfortable that day! I like comfort—the world

       immediate roadblocks. Roadblocks such as              insists on tossing discomfort at me. I want
       navigational issues on the website, unfamiliarity     Toastmasters to be that comfort zone where I
       with the terrain, and just plain old stubbornness     am certain I know what is going on, know how to
       about getting out of my comfort zone. At one          handle it, and don’t get challenged much at all!

       point I even considered avoiding Pathways,                That was my attitude last year when I first
       working the traditional educational system for        began to contemplate Pathways. Yep, that
       two years, and then going my own way once             radiant burst of energy simply poofed. The
       the Competent Communicator and Competent              energy and excitement of Toastmasters was

       Leader manuals were no longer available.              gone. It had become my refuge from the world.
          “Fine!” I said, “They want to take away my         The one place I could go to escape the demands
       program! I’ll show them! I’ll walkout—in two          of change, technology, and social networking.
       years!”                                               The everyday stress in my life was not going to

          But why was I so negative toward the               make room for one more stressor—Pathways
       new educational system from Toastmasters?
       Well, because it’s new! I don’t like change. I
       want things to be manageable, predictable,

       comfortable, and old.
          I joined Toastmasters in 2008
       in a radiant burst of energy about
       doing something new in my life,

       trying a new skill, and breaking the
       mold of my old self. Now Toastmasters
       is as comfortable as my favorite slippers,

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