Page 13 - November 2017 Voices
P. 13

Taming the                  Fear Monster

      by Jue Shi

          My topic today is about my long journey  times, I was scared to
      to conquering the fear monster and applying  death when I went on
      Newton’s first law to achieve personal growth.          stage. Surprisingly, even
          What’s Newton’s first law? It’s called the prin-    though my legs shook
      ciple of inertia, meaning a physical object will        like crazy, I was able to
      remain still or move in a straight line at a constant   survive and perform well. That really encour-
      speed if there is no external force applied to it.
          It’s a universal law in the physical world.         aged me.
      However, from my personal experience, I would              What I learned is that with enough practice,
      say it applies equally well to human psychology         your fear level will subside and not cause much
      and behavior.                                           damage.
          If I were asked to summarize my experience             My confidence level increased substantially.
      of the first ten years living in the United States,  I felt that I should get some help to improve my
      I would say one word—fear! As an immigrant  spoken English so I hired a private English tutor.
      from China, I was afraid of speaking in front of        After about 6 month of meeting weekly with my
      the public. I felt embarrassed by being constantly      tutor, my confidence level raised quite a lot. That
                                                              was my second push to apply the principle of
                                                              inertia to my personal growth.
                                                                 The last boost came when I heard about
                                                              Toastmasters. I immediately joined. The setting
                                                              is so friendly for beginners and everyone encour-
                                                              ages each other to grow. I wish I had known about
                                                              it 10 years ago!
                                                                 My achievement so far: not only have I
                                                              finished 10 prepared speeches and survived
                                                              several impromptus, I even did two speeches
                                                              without notes.
                                                                 My point is that to conquer your fear monster,
      asked to repeat the last sentence I spoke. I found      (which many of us have deep inside) give your-
      myself locked into a job because I was lacking
      confidence in my spoken English. I was afraid           self a little push to get out of your comfort zone.
      I wouldn’t be able to find a new job if I lost my       Let Newton’s principle of inertia work for you.
      current one—especially when seeing the semi-            Keep doing the right thing until you see the
      conductor industry spiraling downward year              improvement.
      after year.                                                I would like to report a recent surprise.
          That was the inertial state I was trapped in           Last week, I had a phone interview with two
      during that ten years. However, deep in my  people from a company in Washington state.
      heart I struggled hard to break out of that trap.          I was able to communicate with them well
      I wanted to be able to speak confidently and            and did so great on the phone that they offered
      communicate well.                                       me the job without even an on-site interview.
          I decided to do something to address this
      issue. I happened to learn about a singing class        What a surprise!
      and thought that might help me overcome my                 Jue Shi joined Toastmasters in November 2016.
      lack of confidence. That was my first kick to get       He s a member of Silicon Forest Toastmasters and
      myself out of my comfort zone, or I’d rather call       Storymasters. Outside of Toastmasters he works as a
      it death of silence inertia state. I joined the class   senior product engineer leading product and test system
      and stayed for 5 years. Every once in a while, we  development. He is Secretary General for CASPA and
      were put on stage to perform. The first several  lead volunteer for Technology for Kids Club.

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 5 NOVEMBER, 2017                                                                        13
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