Page 34 - October 2017 Voices
P. 34

When the Magic Happens

                                 by Stephanie Magoulas, ACB, CL

                                     What is the key  tips for me on how to bring this message to my
                                 ingredient of hosting a  corporation?”   Not only did he offer valuable
                                 successful open house?   advice that day, he also became my mentor.
                                 PEOPLE!  What will  Armed with ambition, I went to work the next
                                 your club gain from a  week and scheduled a meeting with our Vice
                                 successful open house?   President. She listened eagerly to the information
       PEOPLE!  What success looks like varies per club.     I presented to her about Toastmasters. I also
       Your open house expectations may be different         asked her, “How many times have you received
       than what you read here today. The successes          feedback after giving a presentation?” Her answer,
       I share with you are based on our club goals,         “Not very often!”  She was on board, receptive,
       and for some of us, the desire to enhance our         and ready to help sponsor our Toastmaster open
       workplace with stronger leaders.                      house!
          Do you ever ponder why good employees                  Several weeks later, she attended her first
       leave companies? Maybe it’s a myriad of               Toastmaster meeting; our Spring Open House.
       things, but my inner arrow points to the word         She heard firsthand, how inspired our members
       “leadership”. What kind of leadership training        are, and what benefits they have gained as
       do most companies offer their employees?  Most
       often, we find that promotions happen because
       of our generic results, not because of our team’s
       individual results. This is where I started to
       connect the dots. How could a Toastmasters Open
       House inspire a corporation of many leaders to
       take part in the practice of leadership?   What if
       we showed our leaders that they have this great
       opportunity to practice leadership right in their
       back yard? If everyone was given the chance
       to practice great leadership AND get feedback

                                                             Toastmasters; both personally and professionally.
                                                             We had 35 attendees that day, and we were
                                                             THRILLED!  We knew based on our campus
                                                             headcount, that there was a huge opportunity
                                                             for a larger audience to target, so we set out to
                                                             schedule an even more exciting event; our Fall
                                                             Open House. We went for a lofty goal of 150
                                                             attendees. Our key note speaker?  Thomas Cox.
                                                             Out of 150, 106 people attended!
                                                                 If your club is looking to grow members, here
       on a regular basis, how amazing would their           are some strategies to host a successful open
       company’s results be?                                 house!  If everyone is all in, the excitement will
          I attended a Toastmasters Leadership               be palpable!  There are leadership opportunities
       Institute, and stayed after to speak with the         at every step, so get as many members involved
       keynote speaker, Thomas Cox. His presentation,        as you can! Don’t forget to share your event
       “How to Be the Best Boss” was just what I had         with your Area, Division and District Partners!
       been looking for. I asked, “Do you have any           When you are supported, this is when the magic

         34                                                                 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017
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