Page 26 - October 2017 Voices
P. 26


                                  University of Oregon Club

                                  by Angela O’Brien, Club Treasurer

         When I learned about Toastmasters, I needed         be comfortable with these people.  I started with
      it for my profession as a health coach.  I had no      this this club just a few weeks before summer
      idea what it was and I went to a few different         break of 2016 and am going into my second
      clubs in Eugene before finding my home                 school year, not only as a member, but now as
      club—University of Oregon. Why did I pick this         the club Treasurer.
      particular one?                                             Besides, the diversity and John Rodke, one
         I’ll admit that I was very shy at first, at all of   of the things I love best about UO Toastmasters
      them. But something about our newly-appointed          are the people and their personalities. I’ve made
      District Quality Growth Director John Rodke’s          friends with some of the members here. And it
      speech that day lured me in. I wanted to hear          gives you a sense of feeling like part of a family,
      this guy speak more. He had such a great stage         at least once you’ve been there a while.  Knowing
      presence, vocal variety, and way of connecting         your team members care about you, your goals,
      with me (and the rest of the audience). This guy       struggles, and personal life makes you feel like
      was my role model.  I knew this would be my club.      you belong and I feel like I definitely belong here.
         The diversity was a huge reason why I stuck             The roles that these members take outside of
      with this particular club. Being in my profession,     club meetings shows how much they truly care
      I work with all sorts of people, so I needed a club    about this organization and showing people that
      that had variety. The UO club has members of           this kind of organization exists. They actually
      different ages, races, religions, and lifestyles.      enjoy it. These members truly care about
      It is a college-based club, so there are a lot of      Toastmasters and its mission to help others
      students (several from other countries) and            succeed as leaders, speakers, and communicators.
      graduates there as well.  I felt this would be my      The University of Oregon club is my home club
      ideal audience for my profession, so I needed to       and I will miss them when it’s time to move on.

               A true community is not just about being geographically

           close to someone or part of the same social web network. It’s

           about feeling connected and responsible for what happens.

           Humanity is our ultimate community, and everyone plays

           a crucial role. —Yehuda Berg

         26                                                                 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017
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